Monday, November 14, 2011

The UN was formed shortly after WW2. One of its main objects was to unite all nations?

and promote world peace.In my opinion its has failed miserably. There is no peace. There is no unity. So can the readers of this board explain just what the UN has acheived. There should be a world police force consisting of troops of ALL nations which should be used in local conflicts. Why not even invite Bin Laden to the UN and guarentee his safety. If this brings world peace it would be a small price to pay.|||Yes, the UN was formed in 1945 at the instigation of Roosevelt with Britain, the US, the Soviet Union, France and China (the Nationalist Chinese) being the five 'permanent members' of the Security Council.

Yes, The idea was to try to maintain peace, and it is an international forum where meetings take place and peace agreements are thrashed out.

The UN has achieved many good things over the years, especially in the fields of Refugee Relief with the UNHCR. UNICEF has helped with the education and welfare of children all over the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been instrumental in the eradication of a number of illnesses throughout the world including smallpox and in the research into other illnesses.

International agreements on telecommunications, airline safety and travel, laws of the sea, international boundary disputes and many other aspects that one does not think of are always being negotiated.

Peacekeeping forces and actions around the world have reduced the number of conflicts, and reduced others.

On the negative side of the question --

Yes, the UN has failed to stop a number of wars and it has not taken action against some of the aggressor countries. In fact, the US has been one of the major aggressor countries since 1945 and it is on the security council voting against action. In the case of Korea, it suppressed evidence that the South invaded the North supplied by two Australian military personnel and a British diplomat. The Australians were a Navy Lt. Commander and a Major, both attached to the UN Supervision Team and who visited both sides of the border in the days leading up to the invasion and war.

One of the earlier answerers stated that the US has supported the UN financially. That is a gross falsehood. The US has consistently been WELL BEHIND in its financial obligations over the years, as has the Soviet Union.|||The UN has accomplished nothing besides killing countless people in the name of it's agenda of global domination. It should be disbanded, it's leaders put on trial in their individual countries, and all armed forces acting in it's name brought back to their respective homeland.|||Before the UN was the League of Nations which failed on its own..Why? The US was not a member. After the LON failed, the UN was formed and is funded currently by the US, with out the US it would fall apart too.

Oh, and their is Unity within the UN..All the countries in the UN firmly oppose anything the US stands for.|||Unfortunately, globalists want to use the UN to bring about a world government, not a united nations. They want a one world government,religion,and economy. They already have a police force. They have shown themselves to be too slow to fight against injustice. The bible predicts world peace will not be successful until Jesus comes back. I believe that is because there is too many unbelievers in the world.|||I think we may be in for a surprise soon enough, I don't think there will be peace but Nations will be forced together

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