Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How could we unite all the Arab nations making a single 'Arabic Union'?

To have peace and prevent war on borders. Making stronger a single country. So that the invaders couldn't get any excuse to interfere in Arab peninsula. They can secure their resources.|||Ok. U mean pakistan+iran+taliban+osama.

Ok .best of luck to u.

U r a freak.|||Terrible idea. The Arab region is unstable because of weak governments, and bringing those governments together would not improve a thing. Terrorists groups and tribal factions abound. Furthermore, the rest of the world would not support such an action, because of the resources available in the Arab area.|||This idea is stupid. That's like saying "Why don't we unite Europe" or "Why don't we unite Asian." The reasons it would work are A)Different government structures, which would they keep? B) Different cultures (we see how well meshing them works in North America) and C)Religion.

I'm sure if you completely destroyed their culture and religion and completely turned over all of their governments, it'd work.|||That's sort of what happened with the UAE in 1971. But that would be as foolish as untiing ALL the predominatrly Christian Countries, which would encompass all of Europe, North and South America, Oceania, and the Philippines.|||It benefits america more when you are divided and they will keep it that way.|||Why would you wanna do that?

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