Monday, November 14, 2011

Why is Americas health care system the worst of all developed nations?

Don't make the argument it is great by comparing it to a third world nation. Compare it to other nations in the same league.

The one thing most people can definitely afford in America is death.

You have the right to die but not to live. The right to live is only for those that can afford it.

How pathetic|||I'll bet our health care will improve drastically if we boot out about 10,000,000 illegal aliens.|||because your treatment is based on your ability to pay, not how sick you are.|||"The right to live is only for those that can afford it."

By your logic, freedom of movement is only for those who can afford a car.

And if the only cars allowed to be produced were Lexus, then maybe you'd be saying that.

Our nation was founded on the principles of liberty and equality. That means that no one is entitled to have someone else provide for him.

The problems with health care in the US are:

1) Fixed supply of doctors - via the AMA's medical school accreditation program. Simply put there's no "Suffolk Law School" for doctors. If every car were a Lexus, we'd have the same problem in transportation.

2) It sounds like a tired old GOP cliche but the lawsuits are out of hand - they drive up the cost of malpractice insurance and that in turn results in general practitioners ending their practices, or cutting back.

This is from Scientific American, not American Thinker:鈥?/a>

3) Also, consider that you make choices in life. Some people choose to put out less at work - my cousin wants to tend bar and drive delivery routes, both part-time, and spend more time drinking beer and watching sports. He makes about 1/3 what I make. Every other year he has to take and hold a job that keeps him working 32 hours a week so he can get health insurance. He has never been challenged at work - certainly not mentally. A lot of people make this choice. Some take it a step further and just tend bar, or work at Dunkin' Donuts. There's no challenge, they don't want a challenge, and they see a doctor only when they get sick. This is via the emergency room because medical care is so expensive, because of factors 1) and 2).|||You have the right to get a job. Most jobs come w/ insurance. If they don't, you have right to purchase said insurance.

You also have the right to be lazy and bltch about everything. Even then you have the right to attend a charity hospital in the event you become ill.

Your welcome.|||the question has a really long answer, sooo if you have the time, you should watch the documentary Sicko by Michael Moore. If your not a big fan of him, I am not either, but this documentary is amazing. It opens your eyes to so many things and will definitely answer your question.|||greed!!! making money has become more important than people's lives|||I live in a third world nation, although I prefer to think of it as a developing country-China. Right now we have a faster growth rate then the USA and health care is still affordable and not controlled by the insurance companies like it is in the USA.|||Is that why people from Canada come down for our doctors because their socialized healthcare plan is not working to well.

Name one country that has better health care.|||What?

People from all over the world travel here to get our "best in the business" care and surgeries.

Have you ever seen an Englishman SMILE ???? Dental care may be "free" but they certainly aren't getting the quality service!!|||The Pro sickness Party still harbors the social standards this Nation was founded with ... Indentured Servants and Slavery.

The Ownership Society still believes they are a genetically superior class of humanity. Disdain for those that work is imprinted on their psyche from the time they can first talk .. Momma, Dada, nanny, gardener, maid etc etc|||Insurance companies, AMA, drug companies and distributors over charging. I have a friend who lives near the Canadian border and he gets me some of my meds at a fraction of the cost. Do they allow this for people without border friends-no. 'First, they do harm', by over charging for everything.|||I get top notch health care. Its a bi-product of my willingness to pay. Health care for those who expect other to pay for it might not be as good and to them I say "Get a job and stay out of my wallet".|||Here's an equally valid question:

Why is a boxful of glass shards so delightful to the touch?|||Because by no stretch of the imagination, is depriving a young person of a tranplant because an elderly person can pay more for it, considered good, or ethical health care.

That is why people from those other countries come here. because a big wad of cash, and they can deprive an American child of an organ transplant and head back to their own country, to cling on to a couple more years of life until another organ fails.|||to make a long long story so short and sweet one word POLITICS.|||Did you not get the memo? "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". The govt should NOT interfere with that. So take your govt healthcare and stick it where it hurts. I want to decide my OWN healthcare.

Look, Im glad your healthcare is better than mine, but your country sucks.|||We have the best Doctors, hospitals, training facilities, and tax money pays for none of it. I am sorry, what part is the worst?|||It is the best system. Most new drugs and procedures come from here. I personally think we have the best. I've never had to wait for any procedure and can choose top notch doctors instead of having them assigned to me.|||Overall, it isn't the worst. Instead, it simply costs the most for the same level of care. Universal Health Care countries spend, on average, 9% of the GDP on healthcare. In 2007, the US spent 16%. That is expected to grow to 20% by 2012.

My health care mutual funds returned 16% profit for the last 4 years, so I hope the system continues to benefit those not receiving care.|||The care available in the US is the best in the world. There are access issues that need to be addressed but throw out the entire system for what has been proven to be an inferior one is foolish. Fix the issues with the current system don't force us to accept substandard care..|||It is far better than europe's england's france's australia's China's africa's greece's-argentina's venezuela's---

in fact--as a military dependent i saw the worst medical care in these areas....and most of their citizens if they could afford it--come here for real medical care.

The problem with our medical --is we allow doctors and hospitals to charge extortionate prices for simple tests that they get away with charging us 1000 times the cost of the test--they are Rip us off--at that level--if we regulated how much hospitals and doctors charged--we would not need health insurance coverage--everyone could afford it if they made it more affordable.

But liberals want to tax us for health insurance rather than regulate the medical over priced rip you of industry...|||try getting sick anywhere outside the country and then you wont be saying that, i seen a few hospitals outside the country and trust me, if i get hurt bad and get stuck in them, i would do whatever possible to get out and come back to america to get decent care at a american hospital

don't believe the lies in that michael moore movie "Sicko" its all fake

|||The Health Care system is the best in the world. Why else would we have to pay so much for it.|||The health care is the best.

It's just the access to it that's worst.|||Because it is profit based.||| Canada's..... where Canadian doctors go to the US for thier care..

Long waiting lines are a fixture of the system. The Fraser Institute, a Vancouver think tank, has calculated that in 2003, the average waiting time from referral by a general practitioner to actual treatment was more than four months. Waiting times vary among specialties (and, less wildly, among provinces), but remain high even for critical diseases: The shortest median wait is 6.1 weeks for oncology treatment; excluding radiation, which is longer. Extreme cases include more than a year鈥檚 median wait for neurosurgery in New Brunswick. The median wait for an MRI is three months. Since 1993, waiting times have increased by 90%.

Waiting lines impose a real cost, which is approximated by what individuals would be willing to pay to avoid them. Waiting costs include health risk, lost time (especially for individuals whose time is most valuable), pain and anguish. Socialist systems are notoriously oblivious to anguish, discomfort, humiliation and other subjective factors which bureaucrats cannot measure or don鈥檛 value the same way as the patient does.

A Qu茅bec physician, Dr. Jacques Chaoulli, is suing the government for not allowing patients to pay for better care. The Supreme Court of Canada will hear his appeal of lower-court rebuttals in June. Last month, a class-action case was launched against Qu茅bec hospitals on behalf of 10,000 breast cancer patients who, since October 1997, have had to wait more than eight weeks each for post-surgery radiation therapy.|||I'm going to say that you've obviously never been outside of the US. Lets look at developed nations that I've lived in. The health care systems are free, but very inadequate in: France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and Denmark. This is something that I have personally seen.

In these countries you have the right to wait in line for a medical procedure that some bureaucrat may decide is too expensive to be done on you.|||by allowing almost half the voters to be brainwashed by right wing talk, we have allowed the greedy to take over. I worked in a hospital where no one was being taken care of well. So greed %26amp; lack of compassion.The hospital I worked at was owned by a bank. I quit cause the place was a disease magnet. We have to do something about greed. Prosperity is good but greed is what kills people %26amp; most people don't know the difference.|||To everyone who's saying our system is the best.... It's not, unless your sole criteria is the amount it costs.

In terms of treatments, morbidity and mortality rates, lack of mistakes, etc, it's not even in the top 10. Read more, assume less.|||Our infant mortality rates are 3rd world. We spend more per capita than anyone. Some people have been fooled to believe "we have the best". It is the best for making the rich richer.|||Because while the rest of the world adopted socialism, America adopted fascism. It cartelized its insurance industries, whose lobbyists were essential in passing new regulations so strict that it essentially stifled competition. Remember that it is the democrats, not the republicans, who are the primary recipients of big-pharm campaign contributions.

There are still pockets of freedom in America. For example, America is the only country in the world that still makes routine breakthroughs in medical science. Cosmetic surgery, the least regulated field of medicine, is also the fastest growing field of medicine. Surgeries like Lasik that used to cost nearly 10,000 dollars about 15 years ago are now down to about 800 dollars an eye.

Unfortunately, the cartels of American industry have essentially kept insurance premiums so high (due to stifled competition) that it has turned into a huge drain on our national resources. Americans are torn. Should we keep the current fascist system or switch to a socialist one? all the while Medical care is becoming more and more of a drain on our system, with the American government owing nearly 60 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities, which is 6 times the GDP of the nation.

I say we return to the days when doctors made house calls and were an essential element to a family and a community, and hospitals were owned by synagogues and churches and not bureaucrats and America set the golden standard in health care. Those were the days when freedom reigned and industry was not irrevocably married with government.

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