Friday, November 18, 2011

What kind of country spents more on defense than all other nations combined but universal health care is?

deemed "too expensive" while 50 million of its citizens go without healthcare coverage and medical bills are the number one factor in personal bankruptcies?

Do you have an idea how to accurately describe such a place?|||It is an empire. The absence of an internal moral compass (as described in your last question about abstinence, porn and Janet Jackson's breast) leaves its citizens subject to the dictates of the rulers.

These people identify closely with the state that rules them. They cheer when its military wins conflicts. They get caught up thinking that the best policy is the one that maximizes tax revenues subject, of course, to various social objectives. They are interested in health care to the extent that their rulers are interested in it.

Granted, being a vital personal matter, many people are interested in health care for their own benefit. People who are not in need of accute care tend to fall in line behind the political demagogues they have chosen to follow.

You and I disagree about the needed form of health care reform, but we both see that it is needed. The close attachment to political interests leaves society ill-equipped to think in a principled manner upon any kind of meaningful reform -- whether your ideas or mine.|||Thanks!

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|||An arrogant militaristic one, of course.|||Further, the Military of which you speak is a socialistic organization with all members and their families included in their own universal healthcare plan.|||USSR|||The one that got stuck guarding the world because everyone else was too scared or incapable. Tens of millions live in freedom today because of that country's sacrifices- you are welcome|||50 million is way off base, it's closer to 40 million. The "universal health care proposed still leaves 36 million uninsured think before you speak or type. I'm glad we spend that much on our defense why don't you want to be safe?|||A global hegemony dictatorship. The money isn't really for defense as much as controlling world markets.|||it isnt the job of the goverment to take care of us like a baby. it's job is to defend us form our enemy's.|||The best dam country in the world.|||One that bears the burden of protecting the world from totalitarianism and enriches it by developing almost all medical technology through the free market system.

Corrupt politicians have worked with greedy businessmen to inflate medical costs, however, and now in the name of equality have demanded we pay for what they ensured we cannot afford.|||A conservative corporate plutocracy.|||the kind that has been preached fear to by their leader for the last 8 years.|||Sounds like North Korea, doesn't it. Half of ill jongs people can't afford to eat, but he keeps spending money on those big fireworks.

I expect better from the USA, but did you really expect any different from republicans?|||Check your facts.

The US spends 23% of its budget on Medicare and Medicaid.

That's 2% more than the entire defense budget.

The US spends 4.9% of its GDP on NATO while the so-called European 'partners' spend 2.5% and dropping. 0'bama asked them to up the anty and they said LOL NO!.

They use that defense dividend to pay for health care. If they had to fend for themselves, they would be either killing one another in the absence of US tanks or they would have no 'universal health care'.

My guess is they would be killing one another. They can't get through a futbol match without beating each other half to death. There are more injuries in the stands than on the field.

I say accommodate them. Pull out of NATO and let them go at it.

What's the sense of paying for their defense while they use the dividend competeing with us in the market place and mocking us for not having the very health care system that they are backing away from as we speak?

Isolation now.|||excuse me but that's reason that we are FREE. and how you defeated the russians in the cold war. we outspent them so much they were forced to do business with us.

our treasury is meant for defense purposes not a slush fund meant to hand out gimmes to people.|||A nation that knows healthcare isn't needed if the bad guys come in and take over. Doubt that Poland, France, Holland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, or any of the other countries overrun by Hitler worried about healthcare once the Nazis came in.||| that follows the Constitution that was written by it's NeoLibs are either ignorant or just been inundated with so much propaganda that you are the Constitution, the Federal Government is basically only to provide Defense of the States...everything else is suppose to fall on the States to can thank Lincoln for the crap we have a and the DailyKos are not real sources...|||Lets see we bailed europes *** out in two world wars.|||Tell me about your country. What makes your country so perfect? And I will continue to answer your questions. Otherwise, come down off of your pedestal. Regardless of our imperfections, the USA remains the best nation on Earth.|||One that decides to elect leaders who do this. Just like now, it has elected a leader to bring in change.

First of all, Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. And change the system so that it is cheaper, and also so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Holland and Switzerland where private companies are involved in providing insurance.

Second, of course universal health-cover sucks. That is why we in Western Europe have it. We think, hmm, our healthcare system sucks. I know, lets keep it. I guess that is the same with Japan and Canada as well.

FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.

FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage.

That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

Ultimately, the fault of a system is down to those who vote for not telling the representatives to change it.|||A capitalist democracy which ultimately acts as the population want's it to and is based around a constitution.

They are also a major world power and want to keep it that way which explains the collosal amount of military spending.

I actually dont see this as an issue of priorities or of money the way you do since countries with universal healthcare(UK,Canada,France, Australia) actually spend less per head on health than the US but still get better results since that system is more efficient.

I also think it's important that americans look up the difference between the Universal Healthcare that works so well in other countries and the universal health insurance that Obama is proposing (hint-it's a big difference).

I'm British and as a general rule I'm a capitalist who doesn't like the state taking control of things but when it comes to healthcare I think the over ruling argument is that in any civilised country the treatment of the sick ought to be a right rather than a privilege to be commercialised and sold. That in a nut shell is why I support the National Health Service.|||Not all that healthy.|||That kind of a country... An amoral Incubus powered by manifest destiny.

By the way none of it is for 'defense' especially the ring of missiles that are currently being installed all along Russia's borders (after the USSR did everything Reagan asked for). The US is spending on planned Offense and in effect borrowing the money from one of its intended victims to do it, so how about (Offensive) regardless of health care for its serfs.|||I think the main problem with the U.S.A. is they believe "Star Trek" and don't think 'Mr. Spock' is the only possibility. (A Vulcan - not a Marsion (sp) ?|||The one who has taken iou's from its Social Security fund for almost thirty years to pay for its 'spending'..... and is still in the hole.鈥?/a>|||A country that was fine before it was inundated with entitlement mentality ne'er do wells. Top contributor?

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