Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is present day America one of the most evil nations of all time?

Tax payer dollars used to help out millionaires and billionaieres, wars that are started for profits, 1/5 of the nation with no access to health care and will go bankrupt if something goes wrong

In a Capitalist sense, is America one of the most evil countries to ever exist?|||yes..

but what do you expect when our govt has been hijacked .. thru rigged electoins..

our own cia assasinates our presidents..

the bush administration is a criminal enterprise.. not a valid elected govt.

secure your right to vote.. get rid of electronic voting machines.. or .. nothing will change.|||No|||None of what you said is presented as the clear truth, just your opinion.|||No|||You're just embarrassing yourself by showing your lack of knowledge about history. Get off the computer and get to the library. You have no idea what suffering and evil is. Slavery, mass executions, widespread disease and famine; this is the legacy the US inherited from past world powers and improved upon.

Of course there are still a lot of problems, but don't be foolish.|||No.

To quote Kennedy, "America may have its problems but we never had to build a wall to keep people from leaving."

If it were so bad here you would see more people vote with their feet. I guess actually you do, but they come here instead of leave.|||You betcha we are eivil!

They do not call us "SATAN" for nothing!|||yes, our government is a mauling military marauder and the people are sheep in the dark.|||NO...are you an Obamite?

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