Friday, November 18, 2011

Why does the female lobby in all western nations prevent men from ever being significant?

In politics, and legislation?|||"Significant?" What are you talking about? Men still hold the majority of positions of power..that's not "Significant?"

How do you think men could be MORE "significant," pray tell?

And what, exactly, is this "Female lobby?" Is that the sitting room that is sometimes adjoined to the ladies bathroom in fancy hotels?

The Senate and Supreme courts are majority female? What country do you live in? That is certainly not the case in the US, nor is it true in most Western countries (or otherwise, for that matter). Nowhere CLOSE.

In Canada, where you are (ostensibly) from, women only make up 21% of the Senate.

There are only four women on the Supreme Court in Canada. Four is not a majority, it's not even half.

Soo....why is the male lobby in Western nations preventing women from being significant in politics and legislation?|||Are you kidding me?

Do you even know what gender the U.S president is? *facepalm*

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