Friday, November 18, 2011

GLOBAL WARMING: Was it meant to occur so all nations would unite to form a one world order?

Some say all nations contribute to global warming in one way or another. Some say the sun is also responsible as its heating up. Some say earth is going through a cycle as we have in the past with cooling down and then the ice age, etc. All nations will be working together to solve this problem together to get this home planet of ours in order. BUT, what if this was meant to happen so that all nations got involved creating a one world order to work together? We have the United Nations which could be considered a one world government as it stands now. Now we have the Natl' ID Card that many nations are adopting. Could a one world religion be next (one religion is trying to do this, but will fail)? What does all this mean? Is the end times working towards a conclusion?|||Yep, you're getting "warmer" about the true nature of global warming. It has reached the level of hysteria, fueled by people who have a general hatred for humans of the Western culture. Notice how things like the Kyoto treaty are attempting to bring all powerful developed nations under the jurisdiction of the UN, and how the restrictions barely even apply to third world countries. It's environmental socialism, a way to spread the misery equally across all nations so that everyone bows before the One World Order.

The environment has always been changing. Today it's global warming, before that it was acid rain, before that it was global cooling. Who knows what is next.|||great question...

I wouldn't be surprised. I truly do believe that the government is yes behind it. If they arent, then why arent they doing more to help put an end to global warming? To implement these strategies that would promote a safer environment?

I put nothing past them. Yes, it is a great way to control the people, and i wouldnt be surprised in the slightest if this is the case........|||I really don't understand your question. Was it "meant to occur"? Who do you suggest meant it to occur?

Global warming occured because humans emitted too much greenhouse gas. Your questions are very paranoid with no justification.|||Why would you want to come together ? Every time people come together they all have to compromise. You do what's right and I will and not compromise with the hoards of people who won't do what's right.|||it was not "meant to occur".

some stuff just happens.

some stuff happens as a result of mistakes.

some stuff happens because no-one realized that it would happen.

the ozone hole over Antarctica is a good example of that.

(and it's slowly recovering.)

there is not going to be "one world order".

at least not in the foreseeable future.

that there is a European union is quite amazing.

but you note that each country has given up very little of it's sovereignty.

and grudgingly at that.

"Could a one world religion be next "

you are, or someone is, going to tell me what to believe? no!

"Is the end times working towards a conclusion?"


but, with the environmental problems we're creating, and the world's exploding population, at some point, there must be a correction, involving a reduction of several billion people around the world.


famine and starvation?


those are the possibilities, and one of them must occur.|||It's called GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE and yes variations that can naturally occur do have an effect. However the BIG problem is that our activities regarding the use of FOSSIL fuels is that it's causing the whole climate to change VERY RAPIDLY ! If you know your organic chemistry, you'd know that ALL the oxygen on Earth came from a tiny one celled oganism that lived in shallow seas. If a one cell organism can do that why does anybody believe we have NO effect on the Eco-system that prvides us LIFE/|||no it was meant so everyone bikes to work|||If it was it is not working ,there is war all over the planet ,and now America want to fight everybody in a quest for supremacy .and a global nuclear war seems more likely day by day.

Check out what the UN world government stands for ,it is the same world order persued by Hitler backed by the very same people,

it will mean an elite group of rich people (only white),A huge group of microchipped slaves who work for them ,(you and I may be amogst those)

and the rest of the world will be Dead or in labour camps .

In 1998 at a UN or Bilderberg meeting (samething)it was stated that their Agenda demanded a lowering of the world population by 60 % ,how do you think they will achieve that (this is your world goverment )already it is suspected that consumer goods and even the publlc waters is spiked to lower populations by making people infertile ,

What beats me is how can you come here and openly advocate mass global genocide ,

that makes you just as bad as the murderers .

And this data has been around for years so you cannot claim that you did not know .|||I certainly hope not (in answer to most all of your questions in this paragraph).

-I hate seeing people and cultures losing their individuality--that's a bad thing.

-I hate government intrusion (regarding national ID cards). Why should law-abiding citizens not be allowed to remain anonymous, if they choose?

-In the US, at least, freedom of religion is what the country was based on. I would hate to see an end to that.

-I would really hate to think that the world is coming to an end--not now, not with all of this hatred going on in the world.|||Seriously I just found this old cartoon that explains it all. It is called Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Trust me it makes scenes. It says the world is in cycles. There is no real end of the world.|||The Real Cause For Global Warming And Deterioration Of The Ozone, So-Called?

Rev 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh hath remembered her iniquities.

Rev 16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of Yahweh, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

What sins have reached into heaven? Notice the following information:

Marine Mammals Contract Human Diseases

Parasites from cat feces are causing deadly brain damage in California sea otters. A combination of toxic chemicals and herpes is killing off California sea lions.

HIV Infection

HIV is a member of a group of viruses called retroviruses. A retrovirus is a virus that changes itself very rapidly. One reason why HIV is a particularly serious infection is that it attacks and destroys cells of the immune system鈥攃alled T-cells or CD4 cells鈥攖hat are designed to fight infection and diseases.

Notice the above article, how the AIDS virus attacks and destroys T-cells that were designed to fight infection and disease.

Imagine the atmosphere, firmament, being alive with protective rebuilding kingdoms of bugs (microorganisms) designed to protect the earth, but at the same time stay just the right amount to allow the earth to receive just the right amount of the sun's radiation; without which all life on earth, as we know it, would die. Something as important as this kingdom must be as finely tuned as the protective enzymes in our bodies.

Now, imagine STDs of which there are uncountable numbers of and kingdoms of, which are changing themselves, mutating very rapidly and all they do is attack and destroy; created to attack and destroy. Imagine them drifting into the heaven, that protective shield designed to protect mankind.

Remember, sin, not following the protective Laws set for us and the earth, defiles the earth. Remember, her sins have reached into the heavens.

Burning coal, wood or gas or grass fires are not sin. What is destroying the ozone, the firmament, is sin.

STDs are the creation of mankind. They are created by men's sins. They defile the earth, the sea and the firmament. These sins are now reaching into the heavens and as a result, the Prophets have written this warning to the world.

II Kepha 3:12-13鈥?br>

12 You must look for and earnestly long for the day of Yahweh, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat.

13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for the restored heavens and the restored earth, in which Righteousness dwells.

The solar ice-cap is already melting. What's next?

Revelation 16:9鈥?br>

And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the Name of Yahweh, Whose Law protects the Righteous from these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

want more info? go here........鈥?/a>

May Yahweh bless your understanding.

Love, true love, in Yahshua's Name,|||global warming is so the world can start over. can you tell me what nations have come together to fight the global warming? we know its here but who really is fighting it? what is america doing? europe is running cars off of compressed air!! why arent we? maybe because we know that its nothing we caused, but instead it is something natural, that will happen no matter what, and that will happen again in the future, no matter what..

global warming will be the restart of man kind, anoter step in the worlds evolution. what we chose to do with what it is, is up to us. if we dont start preparing for the greater affects of global warming, there wont be any nations left standing to unite, so one may come in and give a helping had to all and then become the one world government, but i dont think that it will really be will be more like freedom. every man is to fend for himself, what happens happens and the only punishment is that which we get from god after we die.

this time is coming, and it is coming soon.

repent now for the time of heaven is near.|||yes|||Global warming is a good way to control people. The fact is that it's cyclical. Look around and see who's on top of the mountain shouting about it and who they're controlling.

Don't put too much weight on the UN. If it were so powerful, it would dictate what the US does - clearly this isn't the case. Not to mention, what would be the point of the EU (European Union)?|||So you want "someone else" to take responsibility for your world and life? Guess what--when the sheep goes looking for a shepherd, what she will find is a wolf.|||Keep it simple: global warming is an atmospheric phenomenon that is caused by humans burning fossil fuels. All humans, all over the world, need to stop burning fossil fuels. We will need to stop in a few centuries anyway, because the fossil fuels will burn out. Global warming is not the end of the world---at worst, it will be a mass extinction event, but that is bad enough, probably the worst thing that has ever happened to mankind. Global warming has nothing to do with religion.|||O_o

Global climate change is occuring because of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Which, the last time I checked, has little to do with politics, religion, or rather strange conspiracy theories.

~X~|||We are coming to the end of times. If your know your history/Bible, Iraq is the home of Babalyon, in the Koran, vs 9:11 states that a mighty Eagle ( the symbol of the US ) will be awakened to bring peace in the region.... Revalations predicts seven years of peace in Israel, followed by 3 years of Tribulation.....If this is God's plan to start the One world order, he is well on his way.|||No. We were supposed to work together before this, and global warming is the result of humans not working together.|||i dont think its the end of the world yet if that's what you think is go in go happen i think it would of happened are ready if it did if the world was going to end

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