Friday, November 18, 2011

Why are all the power nations in the northern hemisphere?

why are all the power nations in the northern hemisphere? you know how latin american india and africa how they are so big but they bullied and dont have power really over anything|||For the same reason that the industrial revolution and most major inventions all originated in colder northern climates. The colder winters require action to survive, and this breeds the process of innovation. In hot climates, it is just too damned hot to do anything except lay there all day and swat the flies off your face. Less effort is required in a hot climate to prepare for the winters, and the energy expended just to stay alive is much less than in the cold north.

Notice also that most of your large landmasses are in the colder northern regions. In the Southern Hemisphere, from the equatorial regions southward, the land areas are much smaller than in the north.|||Cream rises to the top.|||War mongers.. savagery... after wealth through force|||It's all about climate. Cold means organized behavior to survive. Heat means disease.

So, the northern nations have a headstart civilizationwise (hey! that's a neat new word).

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