Tuesday, November 22, 2011

True or False, Americans have the least educated and most conservative of all industrialized nations?

I don't think you can really call us an industrialized nation anymore.. we are a consumerist nation as of late. our GDP is at an all time low and the bulk of our supply is imported..

IMO the question is either outdated or flawed.|||America isn't an industrialized country any longer, we're a consumer based country now. True though we we're more conservative and industrialized at one time, but now we're more liberal service based consumers.

The fact that we've changed is also the reason the country is dying, and the reason for the push to rebuild our industry.

Education isn't education any longer, it's indoctrination. So it's not so much the people's fault as it is the governments interference into education.|||It HAS to be true:

Americans elected Nixon the Crook, Ronald Retard and George Borat Bush to 24 yrs in office!

And Crook and Retard won by huge margins.

And two years after Pres Cheney drove the US down into its worst econ crisis since the Hoover's Depression, they voted in right wing extremists in the House.

No WONDER working Americans are in such dire straits:

Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate in Econ: The 2000s were the “Decade of Zero”: Zero gains for home prices %26amp; equity, workers’ median income, employment, %26amp; stockmarket. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/28/opinio…

From 2001 to 2009, for the first time since WW2, the average American’s net worth fell, and by a huge 13%. The 1990s had the largest increase, 44%. http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/02/…

Tea Party profile: 88% white, 77% voted for McCain/Palin, 72% like Palin, 55% are women. They are less educated but more political than the average American. http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x1295.xml?Rele…|||I think we have both a higher illiteracy rate but a higher chance of returning to school at any time for any reason.

I think we are the most conservative (which I tend to read as more stolid, sorry) but also the most optimistic about the future.|||It doesn't matter how educated or conservative that slaves, robots, and puppets are. It only matters that they are slaves, robots, and puppets.|||The most Conservative but not the least educated have you talked to any over the pond much like talking to security in a museum|||True and proud of it. But I do agree with trader will. If you are trying to criticise somebody's education level you need to take extra care when displaying your own.|||Yes, by far. America is 20-50 years behind most other modern nations.|||I can see we both have issues with public education.

Maybe everyone shouldn't win a trophy, get a part in a play, or make the team.|||No, China is the most conservative.|||Almost certainly true.|||When you question somebody's intelligence try to form a proper sentence.|||That is probably true.|||We are the largest economy in the world, by a long shot.|||True|||I'd go with True.|||true

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