Friday, November 18, 2011

Since the six nations that rank at the top of the OECD Better Life Index are all wealthy social democratic?

nations, why do conservatives claim it's socialism is the causes of the failing education system in the US?|||No way man, there are many top notch conservative nations. Like say Iran, they don't let no panzies tell them their nation isn't a muslim nation. And freedom of religion in Iran is modeled by conservative plans, look they have school prayer, they have their koran in courts, the politicians can quote the koran without outrage, their scenes of religion are in state and government buildings. Now look at the conservative dream haven of the philippines. They have no abortion, no divorce, almost no govt regulation, the EPA does not exist there, and they do not really have Medicare or Social Security (just a faux one), they also don't pay money to veterans, they don't have a dept of transportation with those huge wasteful highways, etc.

So be proud as you want wtih you OECD better life index socilistic nations, I'll take my Iran or Philippines any day.|||Because it only works when the percentage of givers exceeds the percentage of takers, and we are too close to the tipping point.|||Knowledge, which I guess You lack!!

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