Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Would the world be a better place if all the nations of the world were Christian?

Here in YA I have read over and over again, concerning wars, "the problem is that people, or governments, or leaders don't believe in God, don't believe in Christ".

Well... in europe, for centuries, there were dozens (or hundreds) of wars between Christian nations.

I guess I could also ask "Would the world be a better place if all the nations of the world were atheist?" Many atheists blame religion for wars. Or "Would the world be a better place if all the nations of the world were Muslim, or Jew or hindu...".

Do you believe that is the real problem? Religion is what makes us kill each other? Or is it just the fight for resources, for political influence, for power?|||First of all ALL wars are fought for control of valuable resources (real or perceived value). Religion is often used as a tool for the people who want to control resources to galvanize their population, but make no mistake, religion is a tool, just like nationalism, racism, fear, and other galvanization tools.

Most of Europe was Christian during the Middle Ages, but they all fought for 100s of years. Religion played very little in WWI and WWII. Those wars were mostly nationalistic in nature.

War will only be eliminated when we start thinking of ourselves as a global population, which religion is a minor obstacle compared to bigger more base forces like racism.

|||No way.|||lol it would be better if no one was lmao|||No...organized religion is a bane on our civility

|||Humans have been fighting since the beginning of time. Religion won't change that. It might make you a better person though|||Then Christianity would be a holy form of




To believe as the state says or go to prison

.|||Religion is and has been the root for all wars. I'm afraid this will never change until it's over. Yes they would be better to believe in Jesus and then all the nonsense and fighting could stop.|||No, they would still fight about who was the "One True Religion."

Roman Catholics and Mormons are both Christians, but they both think the other are going straight to hell when they die.|||Religion is bad. It would be better if they were all athiests.|||I think all of those factors affect wars. Religion, politics, power, etc. Religion has caused a lot of wars but I suppose what religion is to blame? Every religion started a war (as far as I know). Just lately certain religions have started them or kept them going. I think the world would be better if we had religion. It brings a sense of hope I suppose to some people (whether it is real or not). Some religions just want peace... others are a join or die mentallity. For those athiests wasting their time trying to get rid of religion (or at least it seems like it)...No one cares boys! Go back in your little whole and have fun with yourself :)|||i do believe this world would be a better place if everyone was a Christian. If everyone really looked to God for guidance and put all there trust and faith in him we would all be better off. i am not saying it should be a law that you be Christian. God gives everyone a choice of whether or not to accept him. but, i know that the more people that would accept him, the better off this world will be.|||Actually it would be better if everyone was a non-theistic Buddhist. They are the most non-violent people ever. |||No. As you point out the Christian nations have found reasons in the past to fight among themselves. Religion could however also still be a catalyst for war because Christian factions could divide nations based on their particular beliefs. There are of course other very fundamental reasons for war but recognizing those reasons does not discount religion as a basis. |||Your question is a paradox.

Christian factions have, and perhaps will, fought against each other as well as against other religions for almost the entirety of history.

Democracies have yet to declare war against each other.

However, without what is commonly perceived as "Christian Values" (and I mean in the best sense of the word, not the insult) which apply to the peaceful side of other religions as well, Democracy can not survive.

Think about it.

Edit: No, Great Britain is not a democracy. They are a Constitutional Monarchy. Not the same.

One other thing...the Falklands war is not a war...it was never declared on either side.|||I think religion is just another way for them to discriminate. Its easy propaganda for the people in order to gain power. Look at WWII, Hilter used the Jews to create world domination. |||First of all, I've been on this site, arguing Politics and R%26amp;S for over 2 years and I have never said what you say you see people saying. I also cannot recall seeing it said.

What I have said is that our nation has been a leader in human rights and foreign aid and I attribute this largely to our Judeo-Christian ethics.

But since you asked, I think the world would definitely be a better place if Christ were running it. No question about it. Human proxy, however, is not the same thing, and I am not a dominionist, by any stretch.

Atheists killed more humans in the 20th century than Christians in history ever have.

Hindus and Buddhists let their poor and sick die while they get run over by cattle.

Muslims rule in the most oppressive 21st century nations.

The Jews are basically about survival.

Our US Constitution, as written, does not need improving upon. No human is going to do it any better.|||Absolutely not. |||I believe that religion often plays a role in wars, as do greed and the need for resources. After all, the Crusades and the Thirty Years War were certainly fueled largely by religious zeal, though the love of plunder certainly had a hand in what took place in those wars.|||What the problem is is that people fight religious wars because of the doctrinal differences... Honestly, I am of the opinion (from many years of studying on my own) that the reason that we are in "religious" wars so much is because it's really a sibling rivaly of sorts... if you look at who is warring against each other it's the Christians vs. the Jews vs. the Muslims... and one could argue that all three faiths stem from the same place.... Abraham, who fathered Ishmael (which is considered to be the father of the Arab nations and an ancestor to Muhammad, the writer of the Koran) and Isaac (who is considered the father of the Jewish faith).... and then Christianity that came thousands of years later... So you can see that the war between the three stems from a sort of rivalry that has sense escalated.

Religion and religious peoples do not cause war in and of themselves... what causes war is ignorance, pride, greed, selfishness, arogance, etc.... the belief that I (in general) am always right and you (in general) are always wrong... Not to mention there are plenty of "religious" people out there that instead of following the scriptures (whether in the Bible, Koran or the Torah) they cherry pick out God's word to justify their sins and cause grief on each other... They claim to know what God is saying, but if they were really doing God's will then they would have absolute victory and not this quagmire, 100 years war crap....

BTW: I do not believe that Jews, Christians and Muslims serve the same God... Nor do I believe that Mormons or Catholics (and even some Protestant demonations) are true Christians (my step father was supposed to become a Catholic preist but did not because he did not feel like his questions were answered about the faith and his family is devout French Catholics.) I believe this because there are too many doctrinal differences that do not represent the words of Christ... and Christians by definition are to be Christ like...|||So if the world all of a sudden becomes Christian, do non-Christians automatically become second-class citizens? I can't speak for anyone else, but I would be offended because I am not Christian. I am a law abiding, highly educated, and productive member of my community. Yet I would be considered a peon because I share different religious views? Is my freedom of religion worthless in the eyes of a Christian?|||I am against any form of organized religion. I believe my relationship with my maker(whomever that may be) is very personal and private. I am not an atheist, rather an agnostic. Considering that most of the world's wars haver been religious, and that more lives are lost because of religion, I think it would be best if we all kept that part of ourselves to ourselves.|||No! The world would be a better place if we were more tolerant and if the true Christians actually lived by The Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule rather than just preach them. For example, "Love thy neighbor," "Thou shall not kill," Do unto others as you want done to you," or "Judge not less ye be judged yourself."|||I don't think it would make much difference at all. There are conflicts and wars that are religion-based but there are just as many that come from other causes. If the world was all one religion, there would still be plenty of conflicts, as you said about resources, power, etc. It's always been part of human nature to be in conflict with others. This is the human condition, at least up to this point. There could be a time in the future when there is less war, but something besides a single religion would bring that about (I have no idea what that would be - I'm pretty pessimistic on this question).

Also, I think having one worldwide religion is an unnatural state. It's also part of human nature to have a diversity of beliefs. What you believe in is very individual, even quirky and hard to explain. I can't imagine a scenario in which every country would be one religion, and that' s not a world I'd like to live in.|||It will be some day.

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