Friday, November 11, 2011

Why does united states get cheaper gas than almost all other OECD nations?

the US income is among the upper middle level in the OECD nations (i.e. rich nations), we are at number 9, and the rich/developed nations are 32. but we get significant cheaper gas price than almost all rich nations. (EVEN LOWER THAN THE CHINESE PRICE !)

ever wonder this why? is it because our military completely conquered the mid-east?|||Because the US government taxes petrol at a lower scale than many other countries. It is virtually being subsidized by the government - similar to their farmers who can compete favourably on the world trade market because of such subsidies.|||Kosh, who told you that the US has a cheaper gas price? Believe me my friend it's not cheaper, do some research it's around the five bucks per gallon mark and going up. I am paying $CAD1.32 per litre.|||They had cheap fuel when they drilled their own oil, from their own land; now they have to import it like we do and their prices are going through the roof.|||GRRRR....we dont have GAS ,we have PETROL,,,valid question but I hate all the Americanisation !!!

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