Friday, November 11, 2011

All of the following are true about developing nations and military expenditures except which one?

All of the following are true about developing nations and military expenditures except:

a. Because the military gets the lion's share of governmental budget, military leaders end up holding a position of wealth and power.

b. Third World countries become more economically dependent on developed countries.

c. Third World governments spend less on social programs than defense.

d. The military creates a stronger economy by employing its citizens.|||D is untrue. If they built war machines and sold them on the international market, then D would be true, but we are talking about third world countries. What they produce to defend themselves is used by themselves and not sold. Since building weapons costs money, this is a drain on the economy. In the past, the USSR was more than willing to sell the weapons to these countries, or provide them for free with "advisers".

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