Monday, November 14, 2011

Is the fact that the USA gives more Food and Medical Aid to poor nations than all others combined the reason?

The USA is so hated? the WHO ( not the rock band), the UN and several other world "Help" organizations have stated that with the US Government and American private donations combined means the USA gives more financial, food and Medical aid than all other nations combined. Is this the reason they are so hated? Please realize that this "Hate" goes back several generation and includes all presidents since FDR so don't Blame Clinton or Bush 1 %26amp;2.|||They hate us because we are able to give, yes. But they also hate us because we are strong militarily. And basically they just hate. If it wasn't the U.S., then it would probably be Britain the rest of the world would rant and gripe about.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.

And it doesn't matter how much we give, it is never enough to satisfy them, they will still hate the average American Jane and Joe (people like us), never mind our generosity. And if anything bad happens to us such as 9/11 or Hurrican Katrina, well, look at the response. They love it and sneer at us. But let something like that happen elsewhere, it's "Hey where is the lousy US and its money and its troops".

Time to stop being the world's policeman and wetnurse, period.|||I don't worry if anyone hates the US. It does not mean anything. Just don't mess with us.|||More than that is the Blood my Brothers and sisters give on a daily bases and the commitment by us that may take us on any given day and they will always hate us. From a long Hot Hot day in Iraq - Thorgirl|||They hate us they way everyone hates the most popular girl in high school. They sneer and say nasty things behind our backs but would trade places with us in a minute. Outside of a few allies . . . I think the rest of the world would be surprised to find how little Americans care what other countries think . . . It just doesn't concern us.|||I'm from the UK and i far from hate the US, i mean honestly your country has given the world a hell of a lot of good things, but along with the UK as well you fight wars that are on many levels unjust. And the hate has gone up recently due to your current government, and whether it be or true or not Bush's idiocy and suspect dealings. Also it's the idea that America itself is a place of hate, with racism, homophobia and sexism. Gay weddings in all but one state being illegal. Not one single black or female president, and the suspicious amount of people struck of the voting register in heavily black areas during the past two elections. I'm not saying this represents all Americans, but it is how the outside world sees you because of the way your current government acts, i cannot explain why the hatred as you put it from previous generations for i was not alive, but certainly the war in Iraq has not helped matters for the USA or the UK. But honestly soon the hatred will be passed on to China when they become the worlds next super power.

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