Monday, November 14, 2011

Do you think that the reason America's schools are weakening/failing is because of all the industrial nations?

that America is the second most religious? All of the other industrial nations are becoming more and more rapidly atheist than America is.

Do you think that there is any correlation between the schools and religion in America?|||That is a small part of the problem.

Schools are also underfunded: too many resources are going away from actual teaching (ex. sports and security), teachers are underpaid, ect.

Many parents don't seem to care anymore.

They are also overcrowded.

To top it off, public schools themselves are under attack by people who don't think public education should exist (ex. voucher programs).

It's a problem.|||Nah, most public schools are pretty secular. I blame the unions|||No. Americans have become rich and lazy. Kids aren't motivated to study, and adults don't want to pay taxes for better schools.|||That's only a part of the picture. Politicians are too beholden to the teacher's unions, and they don't hold teachers responsible for the results. Also, the states are free to set their own achievement standards, so there is a race to the bottom - the lower a state sets its standards, the better its pass rate looks.|||Who cares if our education system is failing?

We can just import smart people. It's worked thus far for us.|||Well when some schools teach bull**** like evolution is wrong, then yes it plays a role in dumbing down our citizens.

I think religion is a product of poor education, but once religion is then present, it creates an uphill battle to triumph.

Because it is a dogma, evidence doesnt work.

Education is the only way to beat it, and our education is poor compared to other modernized countries|||I would place my blame on the Republican party, but that's just me.|||No,

mismanagement and greed are the reasons our schools are failing.|||I blame the No Child Left Behind act, a loss of interest from kids, and schools babying kids.|||It is because we are the most anti-intellectual.

Religion is the biggest part of the anti-intellectual equation.|||america thinks it knows the word for all the ways to measure true stance, i dont think so its time to learn some common sence no one believes your bull!|||What correlation? Religion has been thrown out of schools since the early 60's. Public schools have become more and more secular. The school system is a complete mess. The curriculum is basically indoctrination. Many schools need armed security.

Religion flourishes in the U.S. because we still have some semblance of freedom OF religion. It's not taught in the schools. It's taught openly in the home, on the radio and on TV. Good thing it is or we'd be in a heap of trouble.|||No. I think our schools are failing because our culture has forgotten that the purpose of an education is to help our children become intellectually powerful and self reliant.|||No. The reason why our schools are failing is because America has embraced the devil and have allowed him to infiltrate every aspect of our children's lives from TV to movies to music and even our fashion industry. I've never in my life have seen so many clothes with skulls on them. The new generation just doesn't get it that the more we release ourselves from the grip of our God Yahweh by abolishing and relaxing His laws and the punishment for breaking His laws established to protect our children from the devil the sooner this country will fail, which is now happening before our eyes. The hell with the rest of the God hating world we must keep ourselves and this country on the right path with our God or else our future generations will only get worse.|||no.|||Most schools are not weakening or failing in our nation. My children are attending the same high school that I attended and the classes are much more rigorous now than they were when I was there. I have noticed however that children are coming to school unprepared to learn more often now than they were years ago. Parents place more emphasis no extra curricular activities than they do on academics. I teach in a very poor area and many time the only meal students get is what they get at school. They don't have appropriate clothing and they don't always have a parent at home while they are at home. These students don't get encouragement from their parents to do well in school. Many of our students have parents who are dropouts. It isn't always the schools, parents need to step up to the plate as well.

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