Friday, November 11, 2011

Out of all the nations in the world, what is your favorite country?

There are a total of 195 official countries in the world today on seven different continents. Out of all the nations in the world, which is your favorite and why?

My favorite nation in the world is the United States of America because it is a model for what every nation in the world should be and a place of Democracy, Freedom and where Parents Choose whats best for their children.|||I agree with the guy above^ Besides the USA, South Korea. I am fascinated by their language (which i'm trying to learn) and their culture. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE their music (KPOP FTW) and their dramas aren't bad either.|||My favorite is the IDEAL of the USA, not what it has become. If you go back to what our founding fathers created and read our constitution, that is what I want and admire.

This sick place with over-reaching government and out of control spending and taxes is not the USA that I love. If we stop re-electing slime bags who steal from us, maybe we could get back to what is good about the USA.|||Tanzania. The beauty of the land and the culture is just incredible.

蕶蓻s蟿 蓱纱s蠅蓻删|||Romania and Jordan...

Spanish|||I live in the US, but I'm originally from Poland. I moved when I was three and have gone back a lot and really love it there.|||My favourite nation is Canada - my home and native land.|||Besides America which will always be my number 1. It has to be South Korea. Mom's from there|||germany or japan i wanna visit both.|||I lol'd at your second paragraph

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