Friday, November 11, 2011

Can all muslim Nations declare themselves as Secular Nations and allow other Religions also?

Can all muslim Nations declare themselves as Secular Nations and allow people to follow any other Religion|||No, firstly, they dont need votebanks.

Secondly, unlike Hindus most faiths dont believe in equal respect to all religions or in peaceful co-existence.|||

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|||Biggest NO.|||No

Islam is totalitarian and there is no room for any other belief system (at least not the promotion of any other belief system)

The ruling class (clerics) in Islamic states will not allow any promotion of any other religion largely because it would undermine their authority

The Quran sanctions the slaughter of Infidels (non believers) if they will not convert to Islam|||not possible inspite of the wierdest unreasonable out cries. and the best answer goes to maiteemama.|||muslim nations don`t want to be secular as the majority there are muslim

but most (barring Saudi) do have people of other faiths

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