Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Most newly independent nations in Africa faced several problems, including all of the following except?

Many times a newly independent nation would be taken over by another colonial power.

Widespread violence would often occur because of tensions among various ethnic groups.

Power would often go back and forth between civilian and military rulers.

Civil war would often break out as different factions fought to rule the country.|||Wrong: Many times a newly independent nation would be taken over by another colonial power.

Why? Because as Colonialism began to decline many colony holding nations began to deal with unrest and violence from their colonies. As a result a Colonizing nation would be unwilling to enter into a ready made war.|||1.|||The first is false. There have been some serious border disputes but most newly independent countries had well established and long recognized borders that the other African nations respected.

What are the benefits of eliminating all individualities in Government of the EU and the rest of the nations?

If the purpose is NOT the achievement of a Global Order, then WHY is so much emphasis put into it?

Ok, I am not believing the "conspiracy" theories going on globally; but IS THERE A REAL explanation to discard the notion of a "conspiracy" by interest groups, people with lots of power and - in general - a similar vision?|||And replace it with what? Some computer that is honest and knows what is best for you?

If NASA discovers another world with life on it, will all nations on earth unite as one?

NASA has launched their space rocket to look for other planets with life on them. If they do discover it, what will they do? What if that planet has human like lifeforms with technology similar to ours. (Lets say, the lifeforms are almost exactly like humans, they can talk, and do everything we can do on earth) Will the earth unite as one big nation/country, and fight the other planet in hopes of capturing it, and taking over their world? Or will we make an allience with the other planet, and make earth one big nation/country?|||Depending.

-If they are advanced they have already spotted us for more before we spotted them. They might be peaceful. If they are, they wont want anything to do with earth. If they are mean. They have probably infiltrated earth already.

-If they are the same as us they will probably want to get their grubby hands on our technology and our hands on their technology. Thats how ignorant the governments on earth are.

- If they are not as advanced and are in the mid evil ages. They are probably against themselves and would look at us like gods. However, we would probably overun them and take over their planet because again. Thats how ignorant the earth governments are.

There would be no war because it would be to easy to wipe us out if they were advanced. Plus they wouldnt waste the resources. I mean us by that to. We could be used as slaves. If they were the same technology as us we might have a war. Though it would be a racial war.|||We will figure a way to communicate with each other... but yeah if we were to fight them, we would become as one|||The earth's nations will never be able to unite as one peaceful, holistic state. Human beings just cannot cope in social groups that large - we can barely survive without conflict in our own suburbs and cities.

If NASA do find life or evidence of life that is similar to our own, it is possible that there will be warfare between our two planets. However, I doubt the likelihood of this occurring.

If life that is so similar to ours exists, it must be quite a distance from our own planet. If it was close, we would have already identified them, or they would have already identified us. Considering this, war would be infeasible and impractical due to the great distances each life system would have to travel simply to reach the other planet, let alone engage with it in warfare.

The same is true for any allegiances we might make with other planets. Although I think an allegiance is more likely for the research possibilities of combined planets and civilisations, the distance would still be a major hindrance to communications.|||Hell no! That would make us spread even more!

I say someone would have to conquer the world just before the finding otherwise things will all collapse.|||Will the earth unite as one big nation/country, and fight the other planet in hopes of capturing it, and taking over their world?

Not a chance.|||I think that the global systems are so currupt that we would not be able to be organized enough to achieve unity, no-matter how much of a threat any outside life-forms pose. Think about the U.S. for example. The country is so divided along partisan lines (the left and the right) that it cannot even unite against terrorism or anything else. It has never been able to, even in the days of the revolutionary war there was not true unity.

However, I think that discovering intelligent life would be one of the first steps towards eventual unity. Perhaps we could learn from them, and develop a peaceful relationship with them... Hopefully.|||I'd say it depends on the threat level.

The ancient Greeks were far more nationalistic than we are, going to far as to be racist against anyone from another city-state, and barely registering a non-Greek as human. Even they formed a Panhellenic alliance in the face of the invading Persian Empire.

Of course, if we discover that the alien life form is nothing more than a bunch of bacteria, we probably wouldn't have a very large drive to unite.

Another problem is that the satellite in question will be no where near powerful enough to detect if there is life on a planet, or determine what kind of life it is. It is going to be observing stars for slight variances in their luminosity; a sign that planets are in orbit around them. The previous method was to detect the wobble of stars due to their gravitational interaction with their planets. This is no where near sensitive enough to detect the presence of life.

But even if we did somehow discover that there are aliens living on another planet, we simply have no way to communicate with them. Our oldest transmission into space; a speech by Adolf Hitler in the 1940s, has probably gotten as far as Vega by now, which is only 23 light years away, and by now is probably far too hopelessly degenerated for a potential alien to get anything useful out of it. We do have a few interstellar probes floating about, but the odds of an alien civilization randomly stumbling onto it are many trillions to one.

In any event, assuming that we come up with a Faster Than Light communication/travel method (which some scientists have compared to an alchemist looking for gold); The odds of an alien lifeform being similar to us is infinitesimally small. Even if they are carbon based like us, the results of billions of years of completely different evolution would probably make them far too difficult for either race to comprehend. Not to mention the idea of a similar level of technology to ours is also infinitesimally small as well. Human beings have only had civilization for about 10,000 years, and have only been exploring Space seriously for about 100 years. That's barely a blip on a universal scale. They would likely be either millions of years ahead of us, or millions of years behind us.

In the event that there are similarities, ours (and probably, theirs, too) first impulse would probably be to study them. Unless they are overly aggressive, there really isn't a reason for us to want to wage war with them. When you see an animal that you have never seen before, is your first impulse to kill it? Or to look at it and study it visually? I think that it is unrealistically cynical to assume that if we met an alien species, our first impulse would be to wipe it out and take their planet for our own.|||Why fight if we can communicate with it. Before that even happens I'm sure we may try to telecommunications accross the galaxies before we actually meet face to face.

When that will happen? Who knows.

Can someone from a developing nation be blacklisted from all developed nations cause of poor job performance?

*poor job performance in a developed nation after one year and be reported by the company where he/she works in, to the government of the country where the person works/ the company based in|||you should have worked harder

Why is it all nations do not have foreign legions?

I think all nations should have foreign legions. People who are willing to join a foreign legions are going to make ideal soldiers as they are going to have higher loyalty. If Russia had a foreign legion i would rush to join even if it was Non paying mainly because i want to protect Moscow. I would fight for Russia for free I am an American citizen and the US Military would have to pay me billions dollars to be even an Admiral and i would defect the first chance i got. Slavics are the superior race we were the ones who discovered how to split the Atom.|||I think you are in the wrong section.

and I do not think a foreign legion would be as loyal since they do not fight for what they believe, (except for the occasional exception) they fight for the pay. so if the other party pays more . . .|||Most FL are comprised of Mercs and assassins.

You can pay them just about enough to kill for you but not enough to die for you...|||So much trolling, so little potential. You didn't even get it in the right section.

How will all nations rise against isreal in the last days?

Does this really mean ALL nations china usa, russia, canada mexico,etc?

And How do you think america can be persuaded into turning on isreal even though we are freinds with isreal?|||America can be persuaded to turn on Israel when Israel starts launching nukes at the U.S. for cutting off all their welfare checks.

Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.2 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.|||World War I, World War II....|||They won't. That is a theory held by Dispensationalists, and popularized by Hal Lindsey.|||my country mexico is not againts Israel.. and Israel doesnt represent the people of the Bible.. the people of the Bible dissapear|||The democrats are in the pockets of the Chinese. If Hilary gets the Whitehouse it could be quite easy because the Clintons are socialists/soft communists. Very anti-religion. Since Israel is the seat of all Judeo/Christian religions, Judaism, Christian and Islam...to take her out first would be a strong signal to the end of all monotheistic religion on the planet. Hinduism and Buddisim and other pagan practices wouldn't be targeted because they are passive, unorganized and non-political. All nations doesn't mean all countries and I don't think the Bible does say "all nations"...not that I could find...here's what it does say...

“Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh Meshech and Tubal. I will… lead you out with all your army… a great company, all of them handling swords. Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya… Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah (Turkey) from the far north and all its troops – many people are with you. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains on Israel, which had long been desolate… You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days” (Ezek. 38:3-8,16).

There are other biblical references but I don't know what they are right now...one belief is that all countries will be united in a 10 nation coelition...perhaps, Israel refuses to become a part of that or something..I dunno. Requires further study.

Should all nations promoting freedom boycott China's Olympic Games in protest over Tibet?

China's investment makes it NOW as vulnerable as the Tibetans. This, and current Tibetan revolt, creates unique opportunity. The Games' promotion as creating international understanding is invalid or at least highly questionable. The pre-war Berlin Games did nothing to avert World War 2. I know athletes and nations also have heavy investments - but are these more important than humanity itself? The Games are now merely a vehicle for elite athletes' ambitions, exploited for national ego, TV entertainment, and commercial profit. Against the repression and colonization of the peaceful people of Tibet, doesn't failure to act as and when we can diminish us all? It troubles me - so I'm interested in other opinions.|||What the heck are you talking about?

What is happening right now in Tibet is clearly an organized, well planned VIOLENT "incident" by Dalai Lama who is funded by anti-China foreign government. They picked the moment right before Olympics.

Those people who "protest" are thugs. You can see in the video, they are burning down shops, cars on the streets. They would have been arrested in all countries for doing this.

By the way, Dalai Lama was the biggest slave owner in Tibet. All the land in TIbet were owned by the monks who were serving Dalai Lama. Majority population were bonded to the land owned by those monks. There was no such thing as "Tibet freedom" before communists took over. Western anti-communists mass media brainwashed people to believe Dalai Lama is a peace loving monk, because they want to demonlize the Chinese government.

Just take a good look at the videos in the following links. Those aren't even "protests", it's CRIME.

video #1

A group of Tibetan thugs beating up a Han Chinese.


video #2

These terrorists burn down shops, cars. Oh wait, isn't that dude kicking a shop's glass dressed as a monk? WOW, shouldn't buddhist monks doing that? I always thought Tibetan "buddhism" is a joke, it's no where close to the real Buddhism you find ANYWHERE else.


People are just blinded after being brainwashed for all their lives. They don't seem have a problem if someone burn down their houses, cars, beating their family to deaths. Of course, if the government steps in to stop those mobs, it will be "human rights violation".|||Yes, absolutely! They are very afraid that will happen! The US is in a perfect position to receive Human Rights promises from China because of this possibility!|||The money is always more important than the rights of the minorities.

The history is repeating over and over again.|||Yes, we should.

Will it happen? I doubt it....too many greed-head companies on board for that, drooling over that "Chinese market".

And these are the same folks (the mainland Chinese) who keep using lead-based paints in our children's toys. All while the TV rightwads on Fox News have conniptions whenever the rest of us *grown-up humans* correct that situation, you know, to protect ourselves...?

So yeah, I don't see it happening. The damned companies just won't allow it. Imagine that, *capitalism* supporting the Communism of the Chinese. O_O

Somewhere in the Great Beyond I bet some dude named Mao is seriously sick to his stomach.

Just saying....We should do the right thing here....but will we have the *spine* in our bodies to?|||Yes, all free nations should boycott the Olympics!!

Plus buy nothing Made in China.

I know most things are now Made in China, but we could at least try?|||Approiach it differently

Go, but as soon as the athlete is finished, bring them home. so at the closing ceremony, no one is there.

beat the wings off of them in competition|||A case could certainly be made for doing so. The real question is: how effective would it be?|||Again, yes Boycott China's Olympic money making machine, stop buying Made in China, email your MP or Government representitive, ask them what they are doing about the genocide.

Email companies you know use China as a pool of cheap labour, wallmart etc.

Tell them you will not buy from them until things in China change.

These are small things I know, but if one hundred thousand people do it, then the financial effects will begin to show, if one million people do it then it will have a greater impact.

We seem to forget that if we get behind a common cause, and use the power of buying or not buying, then the consumer has a huge power over companies and also governments.

China needs to be tackled or they will dfo whatever they like.

And bully's only respond to strength, so we should become much stronger in our dealing with them.|||I think it should be up to the athletes. banning them is not fair.|||I agree all nations should, I'd be surprised if any do. I boycott all Chinese products.|||Other nations should encourage mainland China to seek a peaceful end to the solution. Encouraging other ethnic groups in other nations to revolt is not the right solution. And boycotting the Olympics would only tell China that the Tibetans have destroyed what they've worked for....which will encourage China to use actual force in suppressing the current protests.

We've suppressed minority rights for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, Hispanics, women, etc in our history...if they had revolted it would've been disastrous for the nation. However with time, civil liberties were granted and life did improve.

Besides, the Tibetan theocracy in place before the communist invasion wasn't any better than the current government. The religious class ruled with absolute power and oppressed the average Tibetan just as much as the Chinese police do today, if not more.

Brief Summary:

Qing Dynasty invades Tibet in the 16th century, establishes the chain of Dalai Lama through election

1912, Chinese Revolution by the KMT (now Taiwan) - Tibet, Mongolia, and other regions declare independence

1949, KMT loses the Chinese civil war to the communists. The communists decide to take back territories lost in the early 20th century.

Armed Tibetan insurgency lasts decades, with thousands of Tibetan %26amp; Chinese soldiers and civilians dead. CIA backed armed uprising supported by the current Dalai Lama fails, and he flees to India in fear of assassination.|||agree perfectly with you-so many vehicles are created to carry the 'poison of politics' inside them to complicate matters more.i was wondering at this era why not sit and discuss the problems-say Tibet-.To me I think problems exist only at radicals and both China and Tibet are free of such' microbes'. is there no hope at solutions?At least to let the games go without boycotts?|||Which is more valuable: a gold medal from the Chinese govt or human dignity of the people in Tibet?

The answer is self-evident.|||Stop being biased, these revolts have clearly been organised and they are trouble makers that are taking advantage of a neutral Olympic event to hightlight their nonsense.

Why would the protestors burn shops, police stations, cut off flesh from police officers (yes, they did that yesterday!), cut off innocent by stander's ears etc.

Clearly, all those against the chinese are ill informed. Look at the mess that has been created due to ill-informed spy info in Iraq!

Why aren't ther protests for the starving Zimbabweans who face the highest inflation rate in the world under a mad dictator that has now passed legislation to take 51% of all foreign owned companies? Becuase the is a hidden agenda to conspire the only country that is on track to keep the mighty US in check and prevent them from ever defying the UN and attacking a country without world approval ever again. What a mess they have created in Iraq.|||Yes. Countries that attend the Olympics show that they believe that it is okay to have a horrible human rights record. China is monstrous and every country that attends the Olympic games this summer is basically stating that it condones this unacceptable behavior.|||I can't be bothered by the Olympics at all.|||stop buying Chinese, let them sell their cheap crap locally.|||This may answer your question:

First, a correction is long overdue: the word “China” or “Chinese” cannot be found in “China’s” language or in “Chinese” rich history records. What? Are you kidding? NO, I AM NOT KIDDING!

1) “China” and “Chinese” were imposed /used by the Europeans. A simple explanation might be a convenient reference to the place where a bowl of porcelain was made. But, before the Europeans first lay their eyes on a china, be it a rice bowl or a tea cup, the peoples living in that place already had a name for their country. It is called Zhong Guo. Its literal translation is: the Middle Kingdom.

2) What about its peoples? How do they address each other? There are over fifty ethnicities living in Zhong Guo. The Tibetan people is one of them. The word “Tibet” or “Tibetan” was also imposed by the Europeans. But long before the Europeans (the English) landed on Tibet, Tibetans called themselves “ bod”.or “po” . This is the word still in use, referring to both as the place and the people.

3) So, the question like , “When did Chinese first invade Tibet?” is an oxymoron. The fallacy is comparable to a hypothetical question: “When did Native Americans invade Navajo or Apache tribal lands? “ In America, you have Navajo, Cherokee, Choctaw, Sioux, Chippewa, Apache, etc. In Zhong Guo, they have Han, Hui, Mian, Zang, Zhuang, .. … about 50 plus ethnicities in all living on the land called the Middle Kingdom.

4) So, just like the Navajo people, who is an ethnic Native American, the Tibetan people is an ethnic Chinese. What? How could you say that Tibetan people is an ethnic Chinese, since their culture, clothing, food are so different ? Be calm, my friend. There are at least a dozen of other ethnic Chinese minorities whose culture, language, clothing and ways of religious worshiping are as exotic as , if not more than, that of Tibetans!

Then, what makes the Tibetan issue come to a head? A short answer is : the English and CIA’ s never-ending meddling. A long answer is: well, let’s do the long one:

5) As early as the seventh century, the ethnic Tibetan and ethnic Han Chinese established close ties through royal inter-marriages-------Han Emperor’s daughter married the head of Tibetan tribe. The alliances was cemented further into military and political bond by a mutual agreement or a bilateral practice: Han (or other ethnic Chinese, depending on which dynasty took control.) officials came to Tibetan tribal court to assist in administration and defense matters, whereas Tibetan court sent its officials to Han Chinese court. For a very long time, Central Chinese court subsidized the Tibetan court.

6) To be specific in one period: In the middle of the thirteenth century ( about 100 years after William the Conqueror invaded England), Tibet was formally incorporated into the Chinese territory of the Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Emperor Kublai entrusted to the Sakya Sect the power of administering the Tibet region, setting up the General Council (renamed Political Council in 1288) which was a central government organ exercising administrative power over the country's Buddhist affairs and the Tibetan affairs. The Yuan government instituted the system of imperial preceptor, conferred titles on political and religious leaders, delimited administrative divisions, appointed local officials, took census, collated and stipulated revenue and taxes, dividing the Tibet region into thirteen Wan Hu (ten thousand households). The heads of Wan Hu were conferred upon and appointed directly by the Yuan Court. There were three Chief Military Commands of the Pacification Commissioners' Offices which took charge of garrison troops and the administrative affairs of the various Wan Hu Offices in Tibet proper and other Tibetan areas. (The above was from historical records at the authoritative China’s websites)

7) This type of integrity has kept its steadfastness until the 19th century, when China’s Qing dynasty was vitally crippled by the opium trade imposed by the English. In 1888, The English invaded Bhutan and from there launched its first attack on Tibet. The invasion met Tibetans fierce resistance. (see http://scholar.ilib.cn/A-xzdxxb200403002… ) In 1904 the English army, headed by Francis Younghusband, launched its second invasion on Tibet. “Younghusband slaughtered 1,300 Tibetans in Gyangzê. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_You… On the Chinese records, British had slaughtered 5000 plus Tibetans at the end of the invasion. The Anglo-Tibetan Treaty of 1904 was forced upon the Tibetans. It was at the time when the Tibetans’ usual protector ----China’s Emperor could not protect himself from the uprisings inside; neither could he keep at bay the European powers from outside. (Qing Dynasty ended in 1911.)

8) But In 1906 the English made the Anglo-Chinese Convention with Qing Emperor. It confirmed the Anglo-Tibetan Treaty of 1904, Britain agreed "not to annex Tibetan territory or to interfere in the administration of Tibet" while China engaged "not to permit any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet". In the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, drafted by the British, Britain also recognized the "suzerainty of China over Thibet" and, in conformity with such admitted principle, engaged "not to enter into negotiations with Tibet except through the intermediary of the Chinese Government” (The above was from Wikipedia. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibet#Sven_…

9) In 1914, China was in chaos. English seized chance to shovel “the Simla Convention“ down Tibetan and China’s throat. By this treaty the English would partition Tibet into two: Inner Tibet and Outer Tibet. But In the end, Tibetans by pressure signed the treaty, but China government refused to sign. Since then the World War I, the Invasion of China by Japan, World War II and China’s Civil War ensued. Tibet was in neglect.

10) In 1949, Peoples’ Republic of China was established. Mao Zedong declared that new China shall “abolish all unequal treaties forced upon the peoples of China by foreign powers” This certainly includes treaties coerced upon the ethnic Tibetans by the English.

11) In 1957, CIA was involved. It transported Dalai Lama’s followers to Saipan Island in the Pacific for five months training “in modern weapons and guerrilla tactics. They were also trained in espionage and codes, and in the operation of the hand-cranked radio transmitter/receiver.” "We only lived to kill Chinese," recalled one Tibetan veteran. "Our hopes were high." One of the trainees, Gyato Wangdu (who would later become the last commander of the Chushi Candrug), asked CIA operations officer Roger McCarthy for "a portable nuclear weapon of some kind...that the trainees might employ to destroy Chinese by the hundreds." The CIA declined, but McCarthy noted that Wangdu "did take to demolition training with renewed enthusiasm" and became quite taken with bazookas and mortars. (The above was from WAR at the TOP of the WORLD. By: Bageant, Joe, Military History, 08897328, Feb2004, Vol. 20, Issue 6)

12) In 1959, Tibetan armed insurgents accelerated their attacks on ethnic Han and Peoples Liberation Army. They were supplied with arms and ammunitions air dropped by CIA Mao ordered more troops entering Tibet to quash. On or about March 10, 1959, Dalai Lama made the decision to flee. On March 17, he was smuggled out of Potala palace schemed by CIA, On March 30 he entered into India, starting his exile.

13) In 1972, Kissinger came to Beijing. China broke away from USSR and shifted to the US side. (China attended 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles while the USSR was boycotting it.) It was then that under Nixon’s order, CIA stopped training Tibetans guerrilla on its Colorado military base. But UK did not stop supporting the exile Tibetans. In 1987, “Free Tibet” was founded in UK. Now it branched out all over the world, with 30 branches in UK alone. It was properly then that Dalai Lama made a decision, or under the guidance of MI 6, to go for secession without armed rebellions. Very likely, the end of military support might be interpreted by CIA, or as a joint decision with MI 6, as the start of political support. That requires an image platform for Dalai Lama to leapfrog.

14) 1989 is the year that affords him one. Chinese student movements broke out in the Tiananmen Square. China political structure was shaken. The Tibetans in exiles seized this chance to instigate demonstrations inside Tibet. Had China government lost its control, Tibetan secession might have been done. Anyway, CIA and MI 6 secret campaign guaranteed him a Nobel Prize.

15) In the years ensued, Dalai Lama was elevated to the peak of a praise mountain piled up by Hollywood celebrities. Nobody in the west gave a dame to the Tibetan woman neglected at the very bottom of Tibetan theocratic hierarchy. Invitations, speeches, the spotlight by western politicians are made to wash away peoples’ memory that Dalai Lama was once an armed rebellion schemer, the participant and responsible for mass killings in Tibet. No matter, as long as he can be used to embarrass China or stir up a riot against other ethnic Chinese, he serves the west well.